About Insurance
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Will Your insurance cover the cost of your rehabilitation equipment?
The short answer is, it depends. We're happy to help you sort through it.
Please call our Patient Care Representatives at (877) 301-4276 for more information.
Coverage varies based on your insurance company, your individual policy and the procedure you are having done.
We have been providing equipment to our patients for almost 30 years and we have worked with insurance companies consistently over that time . With that experience, we have a good idea of what will or won't be covered. If you would like to bill your insurance company, we will work with your doctor's office to get the documentation your insurance company requires. We then submit the documentation to the insurance company for a pre-authorization.
One other thing to consider though, the prices listed on our website are our prepay prices. Due to the time and effort it takes to bill an insurance company, the price we bill them is significantly higher than the prepay pricing. If for some reason, your insurance company decides they are not going to pay the claim (this includes deductible, your co-pay, or any other balance that they won't pay), you will be responsible for the higher amount. An authorization does not guarantee they will pay. Sometimes insurance companies authorize services but later decide to deny the service due to additional information or changed policies, leaving you with the financial responsibility.
One way to avoid this is for you to utilize our special internet pricing and then submit the claim to your insurance carrier. We can provide you with the documentation you will need to do so. This allows you to know the maximum expense you will have for the rental up front so there are no unexpected charges down the road.
If you have additional questions, please call one of our Patient Care Representatives at (877) 301-4276.