The A-V Impulse System®* foot pump works to increase circulation by pumping blood back towards your heart. The increased circulation reduces your risk for blood clots and also helps reduce swelling.
How it works:
Located in the sole of your foot is a built-in return pump called the plantar venous plexus. Each time your foot hits the ground, the plantar venous plexus is flattened, stretched, and squeezed. This pumps blood back up to your heart.
The A-V Impulse mimics the action of walking by inflating a small balloon that presses on the bottom of your foot. The pressure from the inflated balloon activates the plantar venous plexus and sends blood back up to your heart. This increased circulation is important for people who spend considerable amount of time in bed or sitting upright because blood can pool in the bottom of the feet.
The ImPads are designed to fit snuggly around your feet. The inflation should be felt directly under the arch of each foot.
Socks or graduated compression stockings (sometimes called T.E.D. hose) should be worn under the ImPads
The system mimics weight bearing. You will feel a squeeze alternately on the sole of each foot approximately 20 seconds apart. Please note: even though only one foot/leg may be injured, it is recommended that you use both ImPads together. This helps keep your entire circulatory system activated and working together.
The use of the A-V Impulse system is safe and highly effective.
The A-V Impulse system is natural and involves no drugs. When used correctly, the system has no known side effects.
Improved blood flow may increase your rate of healing and can often reduce pain associated with your operation.
The more often you use the system, the more effective it will be. Try to wear the ImPads whenever you are sitting, lying down, or sleeping.
Walking in the ImPads will damage them. They will become ineffective and need to be replaced.
Leaving the machine running while your feet are not in the ImPads will cause the air bladder to over-inflate. The ImPads will be damaged, become ineffective and need to be replaced.
- Automatic pressure adjustment assures delivery of the pre-set operating parameters regardless of any changes in patient position.
- Low and high pressure alarms indicate if operating pressures vary from the desired therapeutic range.
- Automatic venting and shut off occur in the presence of a high pressure alarm situation.
- Preset to the optimal clinically proven parameters. Operating parameters can be customized to meet individual patient requirements.
- Easy-to-read pressure display provides constant confirmation of appropriate therapy.
- Independently operated dual channels.
- Compact design and integrated bed mount.
- Clear troubleshooting icons.
*This product requires a prescription from your doctor.