Premium Knee CPM Service Plan
We ship our customized CPM shipping box. You cover shipping to us. We cover the rest. While it is with us, your machine will receive:
- Complete internal and external inspection of unit
- Complete internal and external cleaning
- Full diagnostics test of all components
Clean and lube internal ball screws and other moving parts
In most cases, a thorough cleaning and lubrication is all that is needed. If we discover a problem we’ll let you know. (Please note: Parts & additional labor are not included. Parts may not be available for some older machines. If you know you need a repair, please call us with your equipment model so that we can verify that parts will be available. A complete written estimate will be given prior to any repair being completed. Hourly labor rate: $72.00.)
With proper handling & regular full-service maintenance, you may extend the life of your CPM machines up to 10 years. Let us treat your CPM to a very thorough annual cleaning, lubrication, and inspection.
Warranty Information