Medicare will pay for a Knee CPM if the patient meets the following criteria:
1) Patient is having a Total Knee Replacement surgery (cannot be a partial knee replacement)
2) The CPM is applied to the patient within 48 hours of the surgery (either in the hospital or at home)
3) It is the first knee replacement on that knee (it can't be a revision or MUA).
If these three requirements are met, Medicare will cover the CPM for 21 days from the first day of CPM use. So, for example, if you have surgery on a Tuesday and you start using the machine on Wednesday, your 21 days of usage will start on Wednesday and run for 21 days.
Unfortunately, Medicare will not pay for other CPM's or even a Knee CPM for surgeries other than the Total Knee Replacement. Other machines, such as Pneumatic Compression Devices, we have limited success getting Medicare to cover them. There are many rules and documentation regulations to be fulfilled for coverage to happen, but, if you would like us to try, we certainly will. We recommend you call one of our Patient Care Representatives if you have any other questions at 1-877-301-4276.
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